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6/15/2009 12:00:00 PM

Half year report Apr-June 09/ part 1

Camping with our home schoolers, a new patio and 4 weeks in Austria....


Hard to believe but my reports are still around...even though they are more half year reports now. Here are the highlights from April to August (relatively short for my standards ;o)...:

APRIL 2009

The end of April we went on the annual camping trip with our homeschooling group (our first time obviously). We spent Thursday to Sunday at Leo Carillo, about 1 hour up north along the coast on Hwy 1. There were about 15 families/moms with their kids for the whole time and then on Friday/Saturday there were another additional 10-15 families/dads joining us. Saturday night we had a big pot luck dinner and music night - a total of at least 60 people every age! During the day we were at the beach, cooked together, played, the kids spent most of the day riding their bikes around the grounds - I haven't seen them that dirty for a long time!. On Friday we even had the luxury of a massage. One of the moms asked her masseuse to come, I offered my big tent (which smelled great in the evening!) and 9 of us moms had each 1 1/2 hour of pure natural treatment - now that's what I call camping in style!

MAY 2009

May, for a change, was quite quiet for the Schmids. We had our 'normal' school and daily routines. By the end of the month most of our classes ended and we had some fun end of the school year gatherings. The weekends were as always filled with soccer tournaments, which fill up the weekend a lot more then just games since there is usually 2 games a day... Oh well, they are still fun and both teams have really nice parents so it's ok to hang out with them most of the day! Also the end of May we finally got a practice and game break for at least 6 weeks. Highlight of the month definitely was the addition of a patio to the front of the house! After only a week it was just in time for Mother's Day, we are excited! It is like an extra room having us supplied with already many hours outside and given Robert a nice cool bed during the hot summer nights! Got pictures of it at the "This and That" folder on the website.

JUNE 2009

Well June was filled with our 4 weeks visit to Vienna - actually only for the boys and I. Robert had to stay in LA (not even a short trip to the office in London with a 'hop over' to Vienna on the weekend was possible :o( The project they have worked on for 1 1/2 years was in his last stretch before going 'live' and there was no way he could go anywhere...

Unfortunately the weather in Vienna was not very cooperative either, lots and lots of rain (even floods in part of Austria including my mother in law's place! - thunderstorms and tropical squalls!) So therefore we were a bit hindered in doing outdoor activities that I had planned like biking along the Danube, going to the great outdoor pools with slides, diving boards,... We still were able to do fun things and it especially was an important trip back for the boys after our move last July!

We tried to see as much family and friends as possible and even though kids were still in school there we were able to manage play dates and sleepovers with most of them on the weekends. They also were able to practice with their old soccer teams and even play a game - we just can't get enough of soccer! ;o)

Since I had promised Sebastian, while we lived in Vienna, that we will visit Venice and did not keep this promise, I wanted to make sure to keep it for this time and surprised him! We took the train to Villach, in the south of Austria, and stayed with our friends Nina and Ritchie. Next day we all (also their boys Philip 11 and Konstantin 5) drove to Venice - about a 3 hours. It was a perfect day - dear friends, sunshine (for a change!), a gorgeous city, delicious food, even better ice cream, a romantic gondola ride and lots of fun!

Early July it was time to go back home - we all enjoyed the time in Vienna a lot, are thankful to my father in law and his wife that we can stay with them at their beautiful apartment.  We did not get to do as much as planned and also missed seeing a few friends, but don't fear we are coming again - no questions about that!

I will take a break right here, since it did get longer than expected and I don't want to overwhelm you - don't forget to check out the new photos on the website!

Have a good day - Till soon,

Hugs The 4 Schmids

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