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8/11/2008 12:00:00 PM
The Schmidfamily re-united again happy about their new start in the US.
Hallo everybody,
Here is our first mail after our first family weekend in California. The boys and I had a pleasant flight and I am amazed every time again how quickly these 10 hour flights pass by with watching movies, eating, sleeping and just doing nothing for a change - wonderful!
We managed to get quite a few important things done already, the kitchen and a new couch will be delivered on Friday and the house will be painted on the outside hopefully next week. The trampoline has been put up and the boys have been enjoying jumping, unfortunately Benjamin has pulled a muscle and has to take a break today, he is not happy about that :o(. The pool got "baptized" as well since Benjamin wanted nothing but staying at home for his birthday on Saturday - his wish was our command!
In the meanwhile thanks to many of you for your e-mails on our new start, with so much going on right now it'll take me a while to reply so please be patient but don't give up, I'll get back to you for sure.
For now many happy and fond thoughts and greetings to you all and a wonderful remaining August,
Hugs Niki und the 3 "boys"
PS: Matey also made it well to the US and even though she still seems a bit distracted she is happy to have us all together and takes every chance to cuddle with us! :o)))
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